
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Duje Dukan
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
This week’s interviewee speaks multiple languages, was a two sport athlete growing up and might have become a CIA agent if it weren’t for his more than 6 foot 8 inch frame blowing his cover. Duje Dukan was born in Croatia, but just two months short of his first birthday he was crossing the Atlantic with his parents, embarking on an adventure that would shape and mold him into the bilingual Badger alum that he is today. Duje grew-up in the 90s, in Chicago, and his dad worked for the Bulls. As a young basketball fan or as a basketball fan in general, could you ask for anything more? Here's his story...

Monday Jun 08, 2020
Amaya Gastaminza Ganuza
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
La deportista de élite de hoy ha viajado por muchos sitios distintos del mundo, y como no, sus libros de psicología también. Desde Pamplona hasta Barcelona, luego a Oregon en los Estados Unidos, a Argentina, a Portugal y a muchas otras ciudades Españolas. Su camino ha sido enriquecedora, completa con algún que otro bache pero al final, de todo se aprende. Amaya Gastaminza Ganuza es una entrevistada divertida con una perspectiva muy sabia sobre el deporte de élite y la vida de después.

Sunday May 31, 2020
Raquel Terrer van Gool
Sunday May 31, 2020
Sunday May 31, 2020
Ya verás la fuerza mental que tiene ésta maña, la que decidió irse a los Estados Unidos tan solo 13 días después de haber sido operada del cruzado. Cogió sus maletas y muletas y se fue a embarcar en una aventura deportiva y académica. Aterrizó en la desconocida tierra de Fargo, North Dakota. Manos a la obra, Raquel Terrer van Gool se puso a rehabilitar su rodilla, a ir a sus clases de ingeniería y a formar parte de su nuevo equipo. Vamos a escuchar la historia de esta guerrera que no sabe lo que es rendirse.

Sunday May 24, 2020
Georgina Bahí
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Como todas y todos que se van a estudiar y jugar a la Blume, Georgina Bahí se fue de casa con tan solo 14 años. Durante su primer año fuera, los padres de Geo venían a menudo a ver a su hija jugar y a llevarla a casa para pasar el fin de semana. Desde entonces el baloncesto ha estado siempre presente en la vida de la gerundense, convirtiendose en un estilo de vida. Entrenos, partidos, viajes y una carrera universitaría enfocada en el deporte. Cinco años de carrera y un master a sus espaldas, Geo sigue formandose en la pista y en los libros, acumulando cada vez más conocimiento y herramientas. La niña de la Blume se ha convertido en una veterana muy conocida y respetada en la Liga Endesa. Trabajo, ganas y una mentalidad positiva. Que te quiten lo bailado, Geo!

Monday May 18, 2020
Phillip Pressey
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
"Let's not talk about who spilled the milk, let's talk about who's going to clean it up." Phillip Pressey is a positive, proactive leader who likes to get stuff done and move on. He doesn't dwell on the past but looks towards the future, thinking about what he can do better the next time around. Ever since the 6th grade Phil has been a competitive and passionate basketball player. The walls in his bedroom were covered with posters of Tim Duncan and other NBA greats. He pursued his passion throughout elementary school, junior high, high school and into college where he entered the draft during his junior year. Phil went undrafted but his dream was was far from over, sooner than later he was suiting up with the Boston Celtics. Work. Ethic.

Monday May 11, 2020
Nick Washburn
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
Near Champaign Illinois there’s a small town of less than 10,000 called Mahomet. Growing up in Small Town USA, Nick Washburn played multiple sports, basketball, hockey and American Football. However, after many hours spent in the driveway with his dad and after growing into a 6 foot 10 inch frame, Nick decided basketball was his passion. He accepted a full ride scholarship to a small, private school in Michigan. He started all four years as a Charger and signed his first professional contract seven years ago to play in Spain. That being said, Nick’s had to overcome several obstacles along the way, from not making the 9th grade A team to recovering from Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and having to learn how to walk again. Joining us from Oviedo, Spain, here he is.

Sunday May 03, 2020
Juana Molina Prados
Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
Desde pequeña empezó a vivir lejos de sus seres queridos, todo para poder llegar lejos como deportista. A día de hoy, esta niña de Manzanares dice que jamás imaginaba que su carrera deportiva le iba a llevar a jugar en un equipo de Euro Cup o que pelease para liderar la clasificación de la Liga Endesa. Pico y pala, pico y pala, hasta que un día, sin querer, se dio cuenta que había llegado. Y no solo llegó deportivamente sino que también académicamente. El esfuerzo físico, la fuerza mental y unas buenas lentejas con chorizo son las claves para una deportista de Ciudad Real.

Monday Apr 27, 2020
Jazz Covington
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Adel Georgia is a town of 5,300 people, complete with fields and country roads. When Jazz Covington grew up in Adel the town had one stoplight, everybody knew everybody. As a young girl, Jazz spent her time playing outside with the boys and eventually picked up a basketball because it was something else to do. Little did she know she'd turn into an athletic phenom who would attract hundreds of college coaches and fill the high school gym with fans. She left Adel when she was 18 and headed off on a Full-Ride scholarship to Louisville. Her small town life was becoming something of the past while her future held even more places and more surprises.

Monday Apr 20, 2020
Sebastian Mbansogo
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Sebas, un base que deja que su juego habla por sí mismo. Fuera de la pista es bromista y le gusta charlar pero él diría que como persona es más reservado. Le gusta escribir y se sienta cómodo y capaz de poner sus pensamientos y sentimientos en una forma tangible, como en una carta de cumpleaños, por ejemplo. Sus buenos amigos lo saben y estoy segura de que muchos de ellos aún guardan las palabras de su gran amigo, leyendolas de nuevo cada vez en cuando. Sebas ha estado jugando baloncesto desde que era pequeño, y gracias a unas promesas que se hizo a lo largo de su vida, terminó la carrera de Marketing a la vez que seguía sus sueños de llegar lo más lejos posible en el mundo del basket. Aquí le tenéis, el Ricky Rubio de Guinea Ecuatorial.

Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Mike Bruesewitz
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
From a small town in Minnesota, Mike grew up learning how to have quick feet as he constantly escaped the grasp of his bigger and older brother. Those twinkle toes would carry him on a college scholarship to play for the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he would spend four years as a Badger. Upon graduation, Mike signed his first professional contract to play overseas in Israel. For the past seven years Mike has been country hopping, playing ball and soaking up his share of culture. His favorite word in Norwegian? His broken noes experience in Latvia? The food item he brings with him from MN? Get to know him, Mike Bruesewitz.